
发布者:系统管理员审核:yjsh 作者:牛韶玉 摄影:牛韶玉终审:发布时间:2020-04-28浏览次数:1626

        201942日,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学窦士学院士、刘化�院士受姜银珠教授的邀请来我校访问。窦士学院士带来了题为“Strategies for materials design, processing and applications”的精彩报告会。窦世学院士,刘化�院士所在的电子与超导材料研究所(ISEM)在电子材料、超导材料以及新能源材料领域做出了具有世界影响力的研究工作,建立了世界上著名的科研梯队和顶尖的科研仪器设施。窦院士详细地介绍了他所领导的超导与电子材料研究所的科研团队,国际合作以及近年来在电子材料、能源存储材料等方面的研究领域所取得的高水平研究成果。并从界面工程、能带工程、应力与缺陷工程和实际应用等方面详细阐述了材料设计、制备和应用的战略与方法。最后,窦院士再次强调了成果转化的重要性,并且要进一步开展与我校更多建设性项目的合作研究。窦院士的精彩演讲赢得了在座师生的热烈掌声,现场气氛热烈,报告会在大家的意犹未尽中结束。




Shi Xue Dou is a Distingiushed Professor at University of Wollongong. He received his DSc at the University of New South Wales in 1998 and was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering in 1994. He was awarded the Australian Government’s Centenary Medal for his contribution to materials science and engineering in 2003, multiple Australian Professorial Fellowships from 1993 to 2011. He received award for life achievement from ASTS in 2018. He is named as a highly cited researcher in materials science by Clarivate, Thomson Reuters. His research focusses on energy and electronic materials. He has supervised 95 PhD students, more than 60 postdoctoral and visiting fellows. He is program leader for Auto CRC 2020 on electrification program and the on-going ARENA 2016-2020 on smart sodium storage system program.


Hua Kun Liu is a Distinguished Professor at Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, University of Wollongong, Australia, and a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering. She received the UOW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence Senior Researcher in 2013, and won the competitive ARC Australian Professorial Fellowships in 1994, 1999, 2003 and 2006. She received UOW DSc at University of Wollongong in 2017 and the award for life achievement from ASTS in 2018. She has supervised 75 PhD students to completion and 40 postdoctoral and visiting fellows. She is named a highly cited researcher in materials science and chemistry by Thompson Reuters and Google Scholars. Her research is focused on energy storage materials. She is chief investigator for for Auto CRC 2020 on electrification program and the on-going ARENA 2016-2020 on smart sodium storage system program.